Thursday, December 2, 2010

NaNoWriMo: A brief observation

It was perhaps foolish to expect that I could write a novel and populate a new blog in the same 30 days.  But that's done, and I hope I'll be able to put more up here.

I "won" NaNoWriMo, which is cool.  This is number 4 for me, and the new novel is The Silver Mask.  I described it in its early stages as a "fantasy stew" and I think that still holds true.  I don't know if the plot worked out to anything special, but I got to play with characters and situations that have been rattling around in my head for a long time.

So this post is short, too.  I've actually been planning some longer posts on subjects that interest me, but they will take time to write, and tonight was taken up by a traditional post-NaNo slack.

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