Thursday, February 3, 2011


Three weeks since my last post?  For shame.  I'll never get readers like this.  But it's my bedtime, so this will be a short one.

There are approximately 12 pages left in Hengist and Undine to edit, and I'm giving a cursory once-over to some scenes to make sure I still have a handle on the characters.  I've been at this so long I worry sometimes that the characters have gone stale in my mind while I was focusing on something else, so I don't want to make large changes at this point.  But anyway there really isn't any excuse for me not to have this thing finished by Monday.

Now a thought, without significant analysis:
I'm intrigued by mythologies, be they ancient or modern.  I like looking at how multiple tellings of the same stories overlay each other, and produce a somewhat blurry "real" story that no one ever told.  Various interpretations and elements, through repetition or abandonment, attain different levels of essentiality.

Comic books are a place where you can see this in action.  As movies are getting remade lately, a similar effect starts to emerge.  But what I wonder is, what do you call it if multiple iterations of the same story are coming from the same person?  As Marvel gears up to shoot a Spider-Man reboot, I have to wonder what we're accomplishing by telling the same story in the same medium only 10 years later (besides holding onto the movie rights).  The same goes for The Fantastic Four, although I don't expect many tears will be shed if Marvel's last attempt at that franchise is superseded by a new one.  But what kind of changes are necessary to justify the same person telling the same story again?

What got me thinking of this was seeing that Gainax is in the middle of yet another iteration of Neon Genesis Evangelion.  That's a story I find very interesting, and I will probably look into what they do this time.  I remember End of Evangelion being a worthy counterpoint to the finale of the original anime, but is that sort of reflexive intertextuality what they were going for there, and if so could they pull it off again?

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